Is JB Hi-Fi Limited (ASX: JBH) the ASX’s best business model? Drew thinks it is.
Or is Pinnacle Investment Management Ltd (ASX: PNI) a much better business?
This week on The Australian Investors Podcast’s 2 Sense segment this week, financial planner Drew Deremith, CFP and investment adviser Owen Rask (that’s me!) answer your questions and get to the bottom of the key questions:
- What is the ASX’s best business model? Drew says JB Hi-Fi Limited (ASX: JBH), I said Pinnacle Investment Management Ltd (ASX: PNI).
- If you could go back and hold one investment you sold, which would it be?
- If you sell something you bought, what would it be?
- How are ETF fees deducted?
- Where can I find more ‘roll up’ companies like Kelly Partners Group Ltd (ASX: KPG)?
- Do crowdfunding platforms work?
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