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Dumb Things We’ve Done With Money: buying NFTs, trading stocks & more

We've all done dumb things with our money...right? Kate & Owen share some of their money mistakes from over the years, so you can avoid them.

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We’ve all done dumb things with our money…right?

In this episode, Kate Campbell & Owen Rask share some of the silly things we’ve done with our money over the years, showing you that it is completely normal to make money mistakes; in fact, it might just make you human.

What are your dumb money mistakes? Jump into the Rask Community to let us know!

💸 Number #1 mistake we hear: I wish I had started earlier 

When I speak to people getting started investing, one of the most common things I hear is the regret that they didn’t know about the idea of investing and compound interest 10 or 20 years earlier, and even more than that, taking action on this knowledge.  

It’s tough to stare at the numbers on a compound interest calculator and see what difference 10 or 20 years could have made on your investing journey. 

But it’s much more important to focus on the knowledge and resources before you right now.

Making financial decisions involves a lot of uncertainty, and it’s rare that we ever get the decision precisely perfect. But, if you approach your finances with a perfectionist mentality, you’ll probably never take that first step.

Start taking action NOW

When I feel like I miss the boat on something or get annoyed at my past self for not doing XYZ, I try to turn those feelings into action. I can’t change past Kate’s decision, but I most certainly can do something about the present Kate.

Turn those feelings into action today. Set up your savings account, go to the accountant and deal with your taxes, and finally, take the time to hunt down your lost super etc.

Start building the financial future that you want right now.

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