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🎄 Christmas on a budget: Kate & Owen’s tips & tricks to save $$$

In today’s episode, Kate & Owen are talking about some practical ways to save money this Summer, be fully present during the Christmas season and not set ourselves back financially.

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There’s no doubt about it: the Christmas season and the Summer holidays are expensive!

In today’s episode, Kate & Owen are talking about some practical ways to save money this Summer, be fully present during the Christmas season and not set ourselves back financially.

We also touch on being generous with our resources, as many people in our community are having a tough time this year.

Christmas Savings Ideas

  • Change how you do Christmas gifts: spending limit, Secret Santa with family, homemade only, group presents, can you give your time instead?, consider giving experiences
  • Look for discounts: Cashback sites, Christmas sales, use up your old gift cards or re-gift!
  • Events over Dec/Jan: instead of going to an expensive restaurant, can you gather friends and family at your home or a local park, potluck style, BBQ or nibbles, go to the beach and have fish & chips
  • On the day: Instead of one person shouldering the costs, everyone is organised to bring part of the meal & drinks in advance.
  • Plan your budget and track your spending: this helps you avoid spending beyond your means. Your family shouldn’t want you to go into debt for them, be open.

Generosity on a Budget

  • Donating non-perishables or money to organisations like Foodbank or OzHarvest
  • Set up a small monthly recurring donation to a cause that you care about
  • Donate your time by volunteering to help a local organisation or making a meal for a neighbour

Thinking ahead to 2024

  • Set up a Christmas account for 2024 and set up an automatic payment every month (e.g. $100 per month) so you’ve got a buffer put aside for next Christmas!

☀️ How are you saving money this Summer?

Send us a message via Instagram or leave us a comment in the Spotify feedback section.

Podcast resources

  • 📚 Enjoyed this episode? You’ll love Kate’s book, Buying Happiness, which you can order on Booktopia or Amazon.

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