I write to know what I’m thinking | Life, mistakes, health & big picture investing | ft. John Addis, founder of Intelligent Investor

John Addis is the Founder of Intelligent Investor, a brilliant writer, thinker and entrepreneur. John's lessons are deep and vast, making this Australian Investors Podcast episode with Owen Rask oh-so special.

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John Addis is the Founder of Intelligent Investor, a brilliant writer, thinker and entrepreneur. John Addis’s lessons are deep and vast, making this Australian Investors Podcast episode with Owen Rask oh-so special. You’ll L-O-V-E this episode if you love value investing, how to live an alternative life with meaning and purpose, the pitfalls of founding a company, Warren Buffett, what makes most great investors great writers, daily rituals to live by, and more. John Addis podcast talking points

  • Aside from enjoying a G&T, what daily, weekly or yearly rituals do you practice and why? If any.
  • What’s something you believe about investing or business, that few people would agree with you on?
  • If you could grab a new investor by the shoulders and shake some sense into them, what would you say?
  • Related: what were the key learnings, failures or successes you experienced and can now reflect on?
  • Do you think Buffett is as good as everyone thinks? Why, why not?
  • Why is the learning curve for investing so steep?
  • Behind the scenes at II, do you now spend more of your time teaching people to invest or to rite gud?
  • Why is it important to be able to write well?
  • Which writers do you look to for their quality? What do they do well that others could leverage?
  • With the rise of AI, is writing a dying form of communication?
  • Is AI in a bubble? How would we even know? Isn’t this just a simulation?!
  • Will AI make stock pickers redundant?
  • What have been the most surprising trends, one to the upside and one to the downside, over your investing career?
  • Which Australian company brings you the most frustration?
  • What’s been the biggest mistake of your investing career?
  • What’s been the best?
  • How do you think about the consumption of news and information? How do you curate your home screen or online habits?
  • What specific strategies or methods have you learned from the II team? Past or present?
  • The role that optimism plays in human affairs.
  • Have you read Hans Rosling’s Factfulness? If yes, what did you make of it?
  • What’s the most overrated investing book? Conversely, which one changed your life and why?
  • Most investing mistakes are made in the brain, not in a spreadsheet or something else.
  • How do you think about the passive versus active debate? Who should be stock pickers? Who shouldn’t bother?
  • What’s an individuals greatest ‘edge’?
  • How do you think about teaching kids about money and investing? Do you do anything that others might not? 

If you ❤️ this episode, you’ll LOVE our series. Episodes go live every Saturday at 7 am and Wednesday arvo.

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Episode resources

Intelligent Investor FREE trial: https://bit.ly/II15OFF

John’s articles: https://www.intelligentinvestor.com.au/author/john-addis/59

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