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9 of Kate & Owen’s BIGGEST money & life lessons from 2022

In this episode of The Australian Finance Podcast, Kate Campbell and Owen Rask reveal their biggest lessons about life, money and investing from 2022.

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Ready to get deep and meaningful?

Today’s episode is all about reflection and sharing some of our life and money lessons from 2022. We’ve rounded up 9 of our biggest lessons, including the importance of focusing on what you can control, investing in your mental health and using our finite amount of time with intention.

After hearing about our discoveries, why not sit down and take some time reflecting on your own journey so far.

Do you have any money & investing lessons to share?

Let me and the Rask Core community know about it by jumping into the Community forum. It’s now only $9.99 per month to be part of Rask Core – cancel anytime!

We might just share your lessons in our upcoming Money & Chill episode on The Australian Finance Podcast — stay tuned!

☀️ Catch all the resources from the Summer Series in one handy Google Doc:

This episode is part of our Summer Series (2023) on The Australian Finance Podcast, where we’re taking a more relaxed approach to finance. Brand new to the show? Head back to our Starter Pack Series (from Jan 2022) 💸

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